If these things do no satisfy me, what then do I seek? I seek a light
that shall be new, yet old, the oldest indeed of all lights. I seek an
authority that accepting, illuminating and reconciling all human truth,
shall yet reject and get rid of by explaining it all mere human error. I
seek a text and a Shastra that is not subject to interpolation,
modification and replacement, that moth and white ant cannot destroy,
that the earth cannot bury nor Time mutilate. I seek an asceticism that
shall give me purity and deliverance from self and from ignorance
without stultifying God and His universe. I seek a scepticism that shall
question everything but shall have the patience to deny nothing that
may possibly be true. I seek a rationalism not proceeding on the
untenable supposition that all the centuries of man’s history except the
nineteenth were centuries of folly and superstition, but bent on
discovering truth instead of limiting inquiry by a new dogmatism,
obscurantism and furious intolerance which it chooses to call common
sense and enlightenment; I seek a materialism that shall recognise
matter and use it without being its slave. I seek an occultism that
shall bring out all its processes and proofs into the light of day,
without mystery, without jugglery, without the old stupid call to
humanity, “Be blind, O man, and see!” In short, I seek not science, not
religion, not Theosophy, but Veda - the truth about Brahman, not only
about His essentiality, but about His manifestation, not a lamp on the
way to the forest, but a light and a guide to joy and action in the
world, the truth which is beyond opinion, the knowledge which all
thought strives after - yasmin vijnate sarvam vijnatam. I believe that
Veda to be the foundation of the Sanatan Dharma; I believe it to be the
concealed divinity within Hinduism, - but a veil has to be drawn aside, a
curtain has to be lifted. I believe it to be knowable and discoverable.
I believe the future of India and the world to depend on its discovery
and on its application, not to the renunciation of life, but to life in
the world and among men.
In these articles I shall not try to announce truth, but merely to inquire what are those things in Hinduism by following which we may arrive at the truth. I shall try to indicate some of my reasons - as far as within these limits it can be done - for my faith in my guides and the manner in which I think they should be followed. I am impelled to this labour by the necessity of turning the mind of young India to our true riches, our real source of power, purification and hope for the future and of safeguarding it in the course of its search both from false lights and from the raucous challenges and confident discouragements cast at us by the frail modern spirit of denial.
I write, not for the orthodox, nor for those who have discovered a new orthodoxy, Samaj or Panth, nor for the unbeliever; I write for those who acknowledge reason but do not identify reason with Western materialism; who are sceptics but not unbelievers; who, admitting the claims of modern thought, still believe in India, her mission and her gospel, her immortal life and her eternal rebirth.
Courtesy:newindianexpress dot com
In these articles I shall not try to announce truth, but merely to inquire what are those things in Hinduism by following which we may arrive at the truth. I shall try to indicate some of my reasons - as far as within these limits it can be done - for my faith in my guides and the manner in which I think they should be followed. I am impelled to this labour by the necessity of turning the mind of young India to our true riches, our real source of power, purification and hope for the future and of safeguarding it in the course of its search both from false lights and from the raucous challenges and confident discouragements cast at us by the frail modern spirit of denial.
I write, not for the orthodox, nor for those who have discovered a new orthodoxy, Samaj or Panth, nor for the unbeliever; I write for those who acknowledge reason but do not identify reason with Western materialism; who are sceptics but not unbelievers; who, admitting the claims of modern thought, still believe in India, her mission and her gospel, her immortal life and her eternal rebirth.
Courtesy:newindianexpress dot com
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